Soft Vs. Hard Surfboards: Which Do You Need?

Soft Vs. Hard Surfboards: Which Do You Need?

AQ Staff
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Ready to ride waves like a pro? Choosing the right surfboard setup is the first step toward nailing those soul surf sessions. But, we get it, the soft vs. hard surfboard dilemma can leave you scratching your head. 

In this quick guide, we'll break down the key differences between soft surfboards and hard surfboards. We'll explore their strengths, weaknesses, and how they perform in various surfing conditions. Consider this your secret weapon for making an informed decision that matches your style and goals.

So, whether you're after the forgiving cushion of a soft surfboard (softboard) or the sharp responsiveness of a hard surfboard (hardboard), you'll be armed with the knowledge to score unforgettable waves like a true surfing champ.

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Soft Surfboards

Let's dive into the world of soft surfboards! As their name suggests, these boards are crafted from softer materials, ensuring a safer surfing experience. Whether you're catching waves or swimming through turbulent waters, the forgiving nature of a soft surfboard reduces the likelihood of injuries if it "pops" out of the water and collides with you. But that's not all—soft surfboards also bring durability to the table.

Constructed to withstand the test of time, these boards can handle the rough and tumble of learning and progression. They are purposefully designed with beginners and intermediate surfers in mind, providing an optimal platform for skill development. One defining feature of soft surfboards is their generous volume. With a bit of extra thickness and width, they offer excellent stability and buoyancy, making it easier for you to find your balance and catch waves with confidence.

Whether you're just starting your surfing journey or honing your skills, a soft surfboard acts as your trusted companion, supporting a steady learning curve and making every session a breeze. So, if you're seeking a gentle giant of the waves—one that prioritizes safety, durability, and an easier learning experience—a soft surfboard is your go-to choice. Embrace the forgiving nature of this board and ride the waves with peace of mind, knowing that it has your back every step of the way.

Boardworks Froth Shortboard

Boardworks Froth Shortboard


The Boardworks Froth Shortboard was created for fun and versatility! These Froths can be used by beginners, rippers and wake surfers! The light, yet durable construction of the Boardworks Froth Shortboard makes it super user friendly for surfers of all… Read More

Hard Surfboards

When it comes to hard surfboards, the name says it all - they're built tough! Crafted from materials like epoxy, fiberglass, or other durable substances, these boards are all about delivering top-notch performance on the waves.

Designed with experienced surfers in mind, hard surfboards are the next level for those looking to take their skills to new heights. As you grow more confident in the water and refine your surfing abilities, transitioning from a softboard to a hard surfboard becomes a natural progression. One of the standout features of hard surfboards is their lighter weight. This characteristic allows for enhanced maneuverability, enabling surfers to execute sharp turns and nail those gravity-defying airs.

So, if you're itching to push the boundaries of your surfing and unlock your true potential, a hard surfboard might just be the ticket. It’s important to note that hard surfboards demand a certain level of skill and control. They are designed to respond to your every move, requiring precise footwork and balance. As you graduate to a hard surfboard, be prepared to invest time and effort into honing your technique.

Lib Tech Whirlpool River Surfboard

Lib Tech Whirlpool River Surfboard


Best River Surfboards | Complete Guide Inspired by the river wave and City Wave high performance surf culture in Munich that has spread around the world. The Whirlpool is a low volume “river focused” high performance shortboard infused with some… Read More

Inflatable River Surfboards

Portability is a standout feature of inflatable river surfboards. Unlike their bulky hard counterparts, these boards can be easily deflated and packed into a compact size. This makes them incredibly convenient for travel, allowing you to explore various river wave destinations without the hassle of transporting a large board.

Inflatable river surfboards are built to withstand the challenging conditions of river waves. Constructed with durable materials and reinforced seams, they handle rocks, shallow water, and strong currents with ease. This robust construction provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on riding the rapids without worrying about damaging your board. Stability and buoyancy are also key features of these boards, making them well-suited for surfing tricky river waves. With their wide and buoyant design, they offer stability for executing turns and maneuvers in fast-moving water, while also providing an easy paddling experience.

Inflatable river surfboards are perfect for both seasoned river surfers and beginners looking to get into the sport. If you're looking for versatility, portability, and durability--an inflatable could be just what you're looking for. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us below or visit us in store.

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