Jacob Crawford -- 20 Questions with AQ Outdoors

Jacob Crawford -- 20 Questions with AQ Outdoors

AQ Staff
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Our series of 20 question for paddlers helps highlight members of our community and everything they do on the water and what it means to them. At AQ Outdoors we're paddlers through and through and it is our mission to create meaningful experiences wherever we can.

Today's spotlight is on Jacob Crawford, who recently made it to the Canada National Whitewater Championships as part of the Alberta contingent along with AQ staff member Simon Coward, his family, and many others. To read about the full adventure, check out [Alberta Team at the Canada Whitewater Nationals 2023]

If you want to get your kids off the couch and outdoors during summer, thru winter, and maybe even make it on the Championship Podium, then check out our full youth kayak program offerings for all age groups.

Youth Kayaking Programs

Now here's Jacob Crawford's 20 questions!

1. What is your name?

Jacob Crawford

2. How old are you?

I turn 17 in a little less than a month.

3. How many years have you been paddling?

This year has been my 7th paddling season (I think?)

4. What is your favorite thing about paddling and why?

My favourite part of paddling is the community, it is a wonderful and inclusive group, and I have yet to meet one person who was genuinely mean.

5. Who or what got you started in kayaking?

I was diagnosed with type one diabetes when I was 9, and the group I played soccer for at the time didn’t want to manage the responsibility of that. I discovered paddling through a demo run by AQ Outdoors at a lake near my house, and they were dedicated to figuring out how I could paddle with everyone else in spite of my diabetes.

6. What would your dream kayak or paddleboard look like?

I think it would have to be a shortened slalom style kayak, made of plastic for the durability.

7. What is the biggest or craziest river you have paddled?

I recently paddled the Ottawa river, and it was massive unlike anything else I’ve seen before.

8. How many friends have you made while kayaking?

Loads. Most of my friends are people that I know from paddling, I’ve found it to be a super welcoming community.

9. What has been the best thing you have learned in a kayak so far and why?

Rolling a kayak is easily the best thing I’ve learned so far. It’s not the most impressive skill out there, but as soon as I was beginning to roll reliably I found my confidence on the water grew massively, and I found myself willing to try pretty much anything on the river.

10. What do you want to learn to do in a kayak this season?

The next thing I want to learn isn’t actually in a kayak at all. This season I got to paddle a slalom canoe for the first time. It was way more difficult (and harder on my knees) than i had imagined, and while canoeing will never replace kayaking, it will be a fun challenge and a new skill to add to my collection.

11. Who do you love paddling with the most and why?

My favourite person to paddle with is definitely Simon. He is the one who got me into paddling, and he is both an incredible paddler and an incredible teacher.

12. Do you have any siblings and do they paddle with you?

I have a younger brother named Isaac, who (unfortunately) paddles with me all the time. Jokes aside, he is an incredible paddler who is much better at it than I am, the only advantage I have over him is strength. I am so proud to see him paddling so well and I am excited to see how far he will go.

13. What else do you like to do in the summer besides paddling?

There are other activities?

14. What is your favorite lunch or snack to bring with you on the water?

Currently my favourite river food is a Clif Bar. It isn’t exactly a gourmet meal, but it is quick and easy, and I can tuck it in my lifejacket or boat without having to be worried about water.

15. What do you want to do when you grow up?

My short term career goal is to hopefully become a paddling instructor once I turn 18. In the long term I am looking at studying architecture and city planning for university.

16. Where is your favorite place to paddle and why?

The seat of my boat. I don’t really see any other place you could sit where paddling, at least not in a kayak

17. If you could have any superpower in the world what would it be? 

Teleportation would make things so much more convenient, think how many hours we would save without having to spend time driving places.

18. Are you involved in any community programs or clubs? 

At this point I am really deep into wargames, specifically warhammer 40k, as well as a tabletop roleplaying group. (Please don’t call me a nerd)

19. What do you like to do in the winter season? Do you splitboard, snowboard, ski, snowshoe, etc..

Last year during the winter I started boxing. I’m not great at it, but I am pumped to get back to it this year.

20. If you could describe kayaking in one word what would it be?

It’s hard to boil it all down to just one word. I guess I have to go with “exciting”, but it is so much more than that for me.

Thanks for those words Jacob! If you'd like your kids to get outside for summer, and maybe even compete, then have a look at our youth kayaking programs, and feel free to reach out with any questions you have!

Youth Kayaking Programs

AQ Outdoors Contact

Edmonton:  (p) 780 463-4892 (e) info@aquabaticsedmonton.com

Calgary:  (p) 403 288-9283  (e)  info@aqoutdoors.com

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