Cadence Coward -- 20 Questions with AQ Outdoors

Cadence Coward -- 20 Questions with AQ Outdoors

AQ Staff
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Paddling is in the blood of the Coward family and has been an activity that has brought their family close together. This is highlighted in a cross-Canada trip they did, along with other paddling families, to the Canadian Whitewater Nationals in Ottawa. For the full write-up, check out [Alberta Team at the Canada Whitewater Nationals 2023]

For write-ups on the other paddlers in this AQ family, check out:

[Talia Coward -- 20 Questions with AQ Outdoors]

[Simon Coward -- 20 Questions with AQ Outdoors]

Without further introduction, please enjoy AQ’s 20 Questions with youth paddler Cadence. If you want these kinds of experiences for your kid(s) and family, then check out our selection of youth paddling programs:

Youth Kayaking Programs

cadence kayak

1. What is your name?


2. How old are you?

11 Years Old

3. How many years have you been paddling?

6 or 7 years

4. What is your favorite thing about paddling and why?

My favourite thing about kayaking is going down huge waves and huge rolly waves. I also love socializing with friends and family.

5. Who or what got you started in kayaking?

My dad Simon Coward got me into kayaking 

6. What would your dream kayak or paddleboard look like?

My dream boat is a long plastic boat that can go fast and is blue, purple and white.

7. What is the biggest or craziest river you have paddled?

Either the Kananaskis river or the Slocan.

8. How many friends have you made while kayaking?

Most of my friends are from paddling, (a lot).

9. What has been the best thing you have learned in a kayak so far and why?

The best thing I have learned in kayaking is taking the best lines because then I know the best ways to go down rivers. 

cadence harvie kayak

10. What do you want to learn to do in a kayak this season?

I want to learn how to do my combat role 

11. Who do you love paddling with the most and why?

I like paddling with my dad the most because he always has the best lines and always makes sure I'm ok on the water.

12. Do you have any siblings and do they paddle with you?

Yes, I have my sister, Talia Coward, but my brother Travis is in the Supergroms program

13. What else do you like to do in the summer besides paddling?

I like to go camping, hiking, and biking. 

14. What is your favorite lunch or snack to bring with you on the water?

My favourite snack\lunch is usually a sandwich and chips. 

15. What do you want to do when you grow up?

I want to be a kayaking coach. 

16. Where is your favorite place to paddle and why?

My favourite place to kayak is the Kan because there are big waves but they are not that hard.

cadence river kayak

17. If you could have any superpower in the world what would it be? 

I would want to have teleportation powers. 

18. Are you involved in any community programs or clubs? 

No I am not. 

19. What do you like to do in the winter season? Do you splitboard, snowboard, ski, snowshoe, etc..

I go skiing, splitboarding, and sometimes winter camping. 

cadence splitboard

20. If you could describe kayaking in one word what would it be?


Thanks for those words Cadence! If you'd like your kids to get outside for summer, and maybe even compete, then have a look at our youth kayaking programs, and feel free to reach out with any questions you have!

Youth Kayaking Programs

cadence slalom kayak

AQ Outdoors Contact

Edmonton:  (p) 780 463-4892 (e)

Calgary:  (p) 403 288-9283  (e)

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