Inflatable Kayak Care: Store and Protect Your Investment

Inflatable Kayak Care: Store and Protect Your Investment

AQ Staff
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So you have your sweet new inflatable kayak and are ready to go for some adventures, but how should you store your inflatable kayak when you’re not on the water? Is it OK to leave it inflated?

What about ongoing maintenance and care for your inflatable kayak? How do you protect the plastic from the sun and other elements?

This article and video covers the key points to keep in mind when it comes to inflatable kayak care. You’ve invested the money in something that’ll provide years of fun, so let’s make sure you’re setup for success for keeping your kayak in tip top shape!

If you have any further questions not covered in this article and video, then feel free to reach out to us directly using the contact info at the bottom of this post.

AQ Outdoors Inflatable Kayak Collection

Inflatable Kayak Care: Proper Storage

The biggest question we get here is: can I store my kayak inflated or do I have to deflate it every time?

The simple answer is that you can store your inflatable kayak either way. But if you do store it inflated, just take a little bit of the pressure out so that if it does heat up, it doesn't put pressure on the seams. Over time this excess pressure will cause wear and tear and maybe damage it. 

If you're storing it deflated, no problem. Leave it in the bag, leave it rolled up, whatever works for you. Just keep in mind that it’s ideal to store it in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. The PVC (or the nylon, depending on the inflatable kayak you have) will degrade fairly quickly in direct UV sunlight.

So, wherever you're storing your inflatable kayak, make sure it’s in a cool, dry place like a garage, basement, or closet. Just really important to keep it out of the direct sun.

In a perfect world, you'll dry it out after every use before you store it. (If we’re being perfectly honest, some of us even here in the shop might not do this after every trip…) But it’s still a good idea to make sure it’s fully dried out somewhat frequently if you aren’t able to do it every time.

This is especially if you're in a place where it's seasonal paddling and you’re about to store your inflatable kayak for a season or two (or three if you’re in Canada!). Make sure it's really dry at the end of the season before you put it away for the winter. This prevents mould and other damage happening to the material. 

Inflatable Kayak Care: Long Term 

Now for the other side of the equation: protecting your inflatable kayak when it is out in the wild to prevent sun and other damage.

Especially if you have a PVC inflatable kayak, it's a really good idea to 303 the boat. 303 is basically a polish/car wax for your inflatable kayak. It acts as a sunscreen for your boat, which prevents the material from cracking. It'll keep it pliable, which will maintain it in good condition for much longer.

303 Aerospace Protectant

303 Aerospace Protectant


303 Aerospace Protectant is the most powerful UV screening protection ever made. Use it on lots of boating and household gear. Originally developed for aerospace and aviation applications, 303 repels harmful ultraviolet radiation and is really helpful in prolonging the… Read More

And then there’s the basics for long term inflatable kayak care: avoid paddling or dragging your inflatable kayak over sharp rocks or edges, avoid spilling any chemicals on it, don’t put extra pressure on it where it’s not designed to (ie putting heavy weight or bouncing on one of the side tubes), make sure pets or other animals aren’t clawing at it, things like that.

When it comes to inflatable kayak care, if you follow these steps and take the time for these extra precautions, it’ll go a long way to making sure your kayak performs for you on many adventures for years to come!

AQ Outdoors Inflatable Kayak Collection

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Edmonton:  (p) 780 463-4892 (e)

Calgary:  (p) 403 288-9283  (e)

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