Are Inflatable Kayaks Worth It?

Are Inflatable Kayaks Worth It?

AQ Staff
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We're talking about inflatable kayaks and want to answer the question: are inflatable kayaks worth it?

One of the main reasons we choose an inflatable kayak, and what makes them worth it, is the fact they're easy to store. They pack down to about the size of a kid's hockey bag.

Inflatable kayaks can fit in your trunk, closet, and any other tight space. This easy packability is gonna save you from having to get a roof rack to transport the kayak, and it can also be checked as airplane baggage if you want to take it on vacation.

Inflatable kayaks are also worth it for city living because you don't need to worry about the storage of a 12’ to 14’ kayak.

For the river city dwellers out there you can launch your inflatable kayak and paddle / float down. When you get to your takeout you can pack down your kayak, call a taxi, and get taken back to your vehicle with all your gear. Easy peezy.

All of the inflatable kayaks we sell here at AQ Outdoors are premium quality and will provide years of water fun in the sub.

[Also Read: How Durable Are Inflatable Kayaks]

Those are all the main reasons inflatable kayaks are worth it. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us below or visit us in store.

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